Operationalizing stakeholder engagement for gene drive research in malaria elimination in Africa—translating guidance into practice


Gene drive mosquitoes are increasingly considered a potential transformational tool for vector control of malaria mosquitoes. As part of efforts to promote responsible research in this field, a number of guidance documents have been published by the World Health Organization, National Academies and expert groups. While virtually all recent guidance documents on gene drive research stress the importance of stakeholder engagement activities, no specific guidelines on implementing them have been established. Target Malaria, a not-for-profit research consortium developing a vector-control gene drive approach to eliminate malaria, has reflected on how its stakeholder engagement strategy translates engagement guidance documents into practice.

Pare Toe, L., Dicko, B., Linga, R., Barry, N., Drabo, M., Sykes, N., & Thizy, D. (2022). Operationalizing stakeholder engagement for gene drive research in malaria elimination in Africa—translating guidance into practice. Malaria Journal21(1), 1-16.