GenBio Africa Mentorship Program
The African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium mentorship program provides scholars, developing scientists, developers, policy makers and other professionals in Africa with individual mentorship from experienced champions in their geographic region or other parts of the world. Mentors and their mentees discuss matters related to genetic biocontrol. All GenBio mentors have relevant professional experience, to guide their mentees and navigate challenges unique to their work environments. Mentorship pairs work closely with one another over the course of one calendar year (divided into four quarters), sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences related to their daily work and future goals as a professional in the field of genetic biocontrol. Discussion points are circulated by the GenBio Secretariat on monthly basis or as needed to the respective mentorship pairs.
The GenBio Africa Mentorship Program is a regional initiative to support and sustain professional development in the field of genetic biocontrol technologies. Mentor and Mentee pairs are brought together to discuss regional and global issues and opportunities pertaining to genetic engineering, biosafety, one health and vector control.
As such, mentor and Mentee pairs are matched based on sub regional/region and professional discipline to encourage locally relevant professional guidance in any and all GenBio Africa Professional Certification domains, including genetic engineering for GM animals, biosafety and Biosecurity, One Health and related issues, facilities management, and insect control
Mentoring relationships will be mutually agreed upon as to goals, time span, type of interaction, etc. Some pairs may want to interact only by phone or e-mail, while others will want to arrange a site visit for an in-depth experience. It will be up to the participants to decide how they wish to proceed. In order to be matched by the GenBio Mentoring Committee, both the Mentor and Mentee must be members of an Organization in the Consortium.
As such, mentor and Mentee pairs are matched based on sub regional/region and professional discipline to encourage locally relevant professional guidance in any and all GenBio Africa Professional Certification domains, including genetic engineering for GM animals, biosafety and Biosecurity, One Health and related issues, facilities management, and insect control
Mentoring relationships will be mutually agreed upon as to goals, time span, type of interaction, etc. Some pairs may want to interact only by phone or e-mail, while others will want to arrange a site visit for an in-depth experience. It will be up to the participants to decide how they wish to proceed. In order to be matched by the GenBio Mentoring Committee, both the Mentor and Mentee must be members of an Organization in the Consortium.
We are seeking Mentees who would like to be matched up with a Mentor who has expertise in their area of interest. Maybe you are new to research, or an experienced professional involved in genetic biocontrol activities. After a prospective Mentee completes the application form, they will be matched up with an expert in their area of interest. A person interested in becoming a mentee or a mentor shall sign an application form.
If you would like to participate either as a mentor or a mentee for the GenBio Africa Mentorship Program, please download and fill out your appropriate application form.